
Fertility preservation

Becoming a mother is one of the most important decisions of your life, and only you can decide how and when to become one. Freeze time and preserve your fertility until you feel ready to begin the best journey of your life.

What is fertility preservation?

Fertility preservation is the storage and freezing of eggs and sperm to preserve their reproductive potential so that these cells can be used in the future to have a baby when you decide!

Why is it important to preserve your fertility?

Our fertility preservation programs allow you to plan your life without worrying about your biological clock or any situation that could jeopardize your reproductive health, giving you multiple advantages:
Preserving the quality of eggs and sperm.
Be a mother when you decide.
Reduce your baby's risk of genetic abnormalities.
Be prepared for any diagnosis of diseases whose treatment could affect your reproductive health.

Who is fertility preservation recommended for?

People diagnosed with cancer and other diseases that put reproductive health at risk.
Women with endometriosis or ovarian problems.
Women under 35 who wish to postpone motherhood.

What happens when you want to become a mother?

Some of our services require one year of vitrification to thaw, generate embryos and transfer to the uterus, which is carried out as follows:
Thawing of your eggs.
Embryo generation and development.
Embryo transfer to the uterus.
Baby at home.
How and when to become a mother is something that only you decide. We have different fertility preservation programs so that time is not an impediment. Find out more by clicking on the button below:
Egg preservation
1 888 627-9747
800 600-7001
Carmel James

"My experience with Ingenes was very calming all because of the staff, they were welcoming and made you feel at ease with everything."

Ingenes McAllen, TX.

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