
Sperm donation

Sperm donation is an Assisted Reproduction alternative that thousands of single women, couples of two women, and couples with male factor problems can turn to in order to have a baby.

What is sperm donation?

Sperm donation is an altruistic act in which a healthy man with sperm of optimum quality voluntarily gives some samples to be used by patients who are seeking to have a baby and are undergoing Assisted Reproduction treatment.

Who benefits from sperm donation?

Every year, thousands of babies are conceived thanks to sperm donation, benefiting especially single women and couples of women who decide to live their motherhood.

Sperm donation is also a vital option for couples who wish to have a baby but have not yet been able to do so, due to male factor issues such as:
- Low sperm motility.
- Alterations in the structure and shape of spermatozoa.
- Low sperm production.
- Obstructions that prevent sperm from passing through.

How does sperm donation work?

Men who wish to donate their sperm must answer a comprehensive questionnaire about their medical history, lifestyle and family medical history.

Subsequently, we carry out the following steps in our Ingenes laboratory:

  • Verification that samples can be properly frozen and thawed.
If the samples meet the necessary characteristics, the potential donor will undergo a series of medical and psychological tests.
Once accepted, the donor must come to the Institute once a week for a period of 3 to 6 months to donate sperm. It should be noted that each time the donor leaves a sample, it is analyzed again to ensure that it meets the established parameters.

Sperm donation requirements

- Be between 18 and 35 years old.
- Be in good physical and mental health.
- Not having been adopted or being able to provide detailed information about your birth family's medical history.
- No history of genetically transmitted diseases such as diabetes, epilepsy or high blood pressure.
- Not suffer from or be a carrier of any sexually transmitted disease.
Have a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 20 and 24.
- No smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.
- Do not use illegal drugs such as marijuana and cocaine.
- No piercings or tattoos in the last 12 months.
- Opt for donation voluntarily and in full use of your mental faculties.
Residing in the same city or in the conurbation area of the Ingenes branch where you want to make your sperm donation.
- Be willing to undergo a detailed physical and psychological evaluation, as well as an interview about your medical history, lifestyle and family medical history before becoming a donor.
- Be willing to wait about 3 months for the donor selection process to take place and, once selected, commit to coming to the Institute once a week for a period of 3 to 6 months.
- Commit to following certain medical indications during the entire donation process.
Help fulfill dreams, DonaVida

Sperm donation is an Assisted Reproduction alternative that has allowed thousands of women and couples to achieve their dream of having a baby when used in conjunction with our different treatment plans that include several cycles of In Vitro Fertilization. Become a donor!

Apply now
1 888 627-9747
800 600-7001
Carmel James

"My experience with Ingenes was very calming all because of the staff, they were welcoming and made you feel at ease with everything."

Ingenes McAllen, TX.

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