
Single motherhood

If your mind is set to begin your choice motherhood, we are here to help you! 

Age is a crucial factor to conceive

You may be aware that age is a determining factor when it comes to reproductive health, this is especially true for women, since the quality and quantity of eggs wanes over time, which is natural.

Because of this, we understand the importance of facilitating the process for you, once you’ve made a decision to begin your motherhood, our reproductive health specialists will help you find the best solution in the least amount of time.

Begin your journey

The first step toward your baby:

Evaluate your reproductive health

We are happy you've made it this far. We are committed to helping you realize the dream of having a baby.

The first step toward your baby is getting an accurate and updated diagnosismaking an informed decision is key. 


Getting a fertility diagnosis

Our team of multidisciplinary experts in the fields of fertility and assisted reproductive technology will evaluate each one of your cases and carry out initial tests to deliver a personalized plan for you. 

Once you receive a diagnosis, you will learn all about the different options to achieve your pregnancy, a good place to start is our initial program.


Learn more about our Initial Program

Assisted Reproductive Technology treatments for you

At Ingenes we offer aspiring parents access to the latest Reproductive Technology treatments, we offer different treatments, for every case, and with consideration of each patient's needs and medical history.

Multicycle Programs

Fertility treatments with up to a 96% success rate, recommended for women who may fall into the following descriptions:

Women over 35 years of age
Severe fertility problems 
Have attempted to conceive for over 5 years without success
Learn more

Basic Programs

Fertility treatments, recommended for wome with the following aspects:

Women under 35 years of age
Moderate fertility problems (male, female or both)
Have been trying for a baby without success for less than 5 years
Learn more

Additional services

We offer supplementary services at an additional cost, these services can be added to your assisted reproductive technology treatment for added peace of mind and precision.

 Gender Selection (Eligender):  This method allows parents to choose the gender of their child with an accuracy of 99%.
Implantation Score: This is a study carried out to determine the implantation potential during embryo selection.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: This is an embryonic DNA study for the early detection of alterations.
Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis: This study helps us rule out genetic or chromosomal abnormalities

Ingenes has helped bring more than 50,000 babies into the lives of aspiring parents

For over 17 years, hundreds of women have opted for independent maternity with the help of Assisted reproductive technology treatments, and our team of specialists. Learn more about their stories below:

"I had my babies at 46 years old. When I finally saw them I was in shock! When you go through treatment and become a mom you create such a strong bond with your little ones, because you fought so hard for them to be with you".
Meet Noemí and her daughters, Ingenes family
"At the age of 33 I thought I had achieved enough in my life and that it was time to have my babies. I went to a fertility clinic where I was told that I had polycystic ovary... I went from having an IVF pregnancy to having my babies in my last cycle. I had my babies, my 2 precious diamonds!"
Meet Cisne and her twins, Ingenes family

Take the first step toward your baby with our Initial Program

If your mind is set to start or grow your family, Ingenes is here to help you accomplish that dream.

Schedule an appointment to get your diagnosis and learn about the different options we offer to achieve your goal.

Contact us
1 888 627-9747
800 600-7001
Carmel James

"My experience with Ingenes was very calming all because of the staff, they were welcoming and made you feel at ease with everything."

Ingenes McAllen, TX.

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