
What is In Vitro Fertilization?

This treatment has been carried out since the 1970s, and has been perfected over time, thanks to advances in science and technology.
It is an Assisted Reproduction treatment considered high complexity due to the series of procedures used to improve fertility, obtaining the union of the egg and sperm, meaning, an embryo, in a laboratory.

Who is it recommended for?

In Vitro Fertilization is ideal for women and couples who are unable to have a baby, for example:
- Ovulation problems

- Fallopian tube blockage

- Endometriosis

- Polycystic ovary

- Low sperm quality and quantity

- Advanced maternal age
In addition, this technique of Assisted Reproduction is an effective alternative for couples and single women to have a baby 100% of their own.

How is this done?

In Vitro Fertilization requires constant follow-up and monitoring by an expert in Assisted Reproduction to avoid risks and complications during the whole process, which consists of 5 steps
Ovarian stimulation. In this step, administration of medication is necessary to release several eggs in order to proceed to the second step.
Egg retrieval. Using an ultrasound adapted with an attachment, which suctions the follicles to obtain mature eggs.
Fertilization. Once the best sperm and eggs have been selected, they are placed in a laboratory dish and fertilized to form the embryos.
Embryo culture. The embryos are kept in special incubators and monitored for proper growth.
Embryo Transfer. The best quality embryos are transferred via a catheter into the uterus, a painless process, which requires advanced screening techniques to avoid multiple pregnancies.

At Ingenes we have perfected the In Vitro Fertilization technique

To create our Multicycle Programs, which increase your chances of becoming a mom and having your baby at home by up to 96%.
Find out about them
1 888 627-9747
800 600-7001
Carmel James

"My experience with Ingenes was very calming all because of the staff, they were welcoming and made you feel at ease with everything."

Ingenes McAllen, TX.

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