
Timed Intercourse

A method for young couples with ovulation problems, particularly for fertile couples who want to increase their chances of conceiving.

What is Timed Intercourse?

It's a Low Complexity Assisted Reproduction treatment, which seeks to synchronise ovulation to determine the best time for the couple to have intercourse and increase their chances of achieving pregnancy.

It's the least invasive technique, with which many couples can find the perfect time to become parents. 

Who is it recommended for?

This type of technique is ideal for couples in some of these scenarios:
Women under 32 who want to increase their chances of conception  
Couples who have been trying to get pregnant for a few months without success 
People who do not have a specific infertility diagnosis yet

How does it work?

This method synchronizes ovulation with sexual intercourse by monitoring egg development to determine the timing with the highest chance of fertilization.
Through various tests and menstrual cycle monitoring, our specialist will help you create a plan for timed intercourse to increase your chances of conceiving, and will determine whether or not ovulation medication is necessary.
This requires an egg to be released for fertilization, so your body must be prepared to carry out this process during intercourse.
If you're still unsure whether this might be the right option for you to achieve pregnancy, contact us and we'll be happy to assess your case.
Initial Program
1 888 627-9747
800 600-7001
Carmel James

"My experience with Ingenes was very calming all because of the staff, they were welcoming and made you feel at ease with everything."

Ingenes McAllen, TX.

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