
High prolactin or hyperprolactinaemia

Prolactin is the hormone produced by a woman's body during pregnancy and lactation to increase the secretion of milk in the mammary glands. However, there are occasions when its level may increase outside these periods, causing an inhibition of menstruation and preventing the normal maturation of eggs.

Causes of high prolactin

There are a number of reasons why there may be an abnormal increase in prolactin, but some of them are as follows:
Intense exercise
Manipulation of the mammary gland
Some medicines used to control blood pressure, gastritis, depression, etc.

Symptoms of high prolactin

Galactorrhoea (milk production outside the lactation period).
Cephalea (headaches).
Visual disorders.
Decreased libido.
Excessive hair growth.

Diagnosis of high prolactin

In this case, the diagnosis is made with two serum (blood) prolactin determinations on different days, taken on an empty stomach, with 8 hours of sleep, with 30 minutes of rest before taking the test, without having had sexual intercourse the night before and at any stage of the menstrual cycle. It is important to see a medical specialist to diagnose and treat the condition in the best possible way.

Can I have a baby if I have high prolactin?

If it is found to be elevated, we should start searching for and removing factors that may cause this increase. It is a disease with a good prognosis, since most of the time it is controlled with medication and if diagnosed in time it is not an impediment for you to have a baby.
When prolactin levels are controlled, symptoms disappear, ovulation improves and the search for pregnancy can begin with low or high complexity treatment according to the comprehensive assessment of each couple by a doctor specialising in reproduction.
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