
Dr. Carlos Valentín López Muñoz

Position: Maternal-Fetal Physician
Branch: Mérida
Specialty: Maternal-Fetal
Professional ID: 9929221
Universidad La Salle

Learn more about him:

Dr. Carlos López began his career at the Medicine Faculty of the Autonomous University "Benito Juárez" of Oaxaca and graduated with honors. Dr. López completed his internship at Regional Hospital No.1 "Ignacio Garcia Tellez" which is affiliated with the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), where Dr. López obtained his obstetrics and gynecology specialty degree.

In addition to his academic accomplishments and trajectory, Dr. López decided to pursue a second specialty degree in maternal-fetal medicine, at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital No. 4 with affiliation to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) "Luis Castelazo Ayala" and a licensing course in administration, management, coordination, and legal responsibilities in Medical Care, endorsed by La Salle university.

Accolades and experience:

Presenter at the 16th Biennal Medical Conference, showcasing his topic "The challenge of integrating and personalizing treatments".
Participant at the Second National Encounter of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Residents organized by the National Insitute of Perinatology.
12th Edition of Skills Course on "The Handling and Control of Obstetric Hemorrhages" 
Participant at the 64th Mexican Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology organized by the Mexican Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FEMECOG).

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"My experience with Ingenes was very calming all because of the staff, they were welcoming and made you feel at ease with everything."

Ingenes McAllen, TX.

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