
Dr. María Guadalupe Nolazco Beltrán

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Position: Physician atteched to Assisted Reproduction 
Brand: Mexico City 
Especialidad: Gynecolgy and Obstetrics 
Professional ID: 10230019 (Subspecialty: 13027640)
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Learn more about her:

Dr. Nolazco began her professional career as a Surgeon at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Subsequently, she completed a subspecialty in Human Reproductive Biology at the Hospital Juarez de Mexico in Mexico City. 

She also obtained a specialty in Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Hospital Materno Perinatal Monica Pretelini Saenz in the State of Mexico.

Among her most outstanding achievements stand out:

1st place. 7th Annual and 1st Regional Biochemistry Contest.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, (2004).

Her participation in multiple international congresses such as:

AMMR Congress 2022.
ASRM Congress 2019.
AMMR Congress 2018.
53rd Mexican Congress of Reproductive Medicine 2016.
XXI COMEGO Regional Congress 2016.
66 Mexican Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2015.
National Congress of Climacteric AMEC 2015. A comprehensive vision of women in postmenopausal women 2015.
4th Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2015.
World Conference on Women's Cancer, Mexico City 2013.

Dr. Nolazco has written and participated in the research and publication of multiple scientific articles such as:

Factors related to monozygotic embryonic twinning after the use of highly complex assisted reproduction techniques at the Institute of Fertility and Genetics Ingenes (2017).
Association of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in patients with Müllerian malformations (2016).
Prevalence and etiology of repeated pregnancy loss in patients of the human reproductive biology service of Hospital Juarez de Mexico (2016).
Impact of Metabolic Syndrome parameters in postmenopausal patients hospitalized for diagnosis of acute coronary ischemic syndrome at Hospital Juarez de Mexico (2015).
Practice Guidelines for Obstetric Emergencies (2013).

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