
"I was 48 years old when I achieved my pregnancy"

by Instituto Ingenes 05/05/22

Getting pregnant at the age of 48 may be hard to believe for some people, but today there are advanced Assisted Reproduction techniques that allow thousands of women to postpone childbearing until they are ready.

This is the story of Cecilia, who became a mother to her little Angélica by getting pregnant at the age of 48, even though she had a low ovarian reserve. Meet her here and learn all about the In Vitro fertilization treatment that made it possible for her.

What is ovarian reserve?

Ovarian reserve is the number of eggs available in each ovary for a woman's reproductive life. Each woman is born with about 1 million eggs, and by the age of 35 years, the ovarian reserve begins to decrease progressively, which can result in a complication in achieving pregnancy after that age.

When love comes knocking at your door, it's best to let it pass you by

"Seeing her laugh, that's my motive and there is nothing more precious in the whole world. I looked for my pregnancy at 48 because I waited to get pregnant as a couple, and then when it came we tried for almost a year.

I am a nurse and I knew that my age was a very important factor. My diagnosis was that I had very few eggs and my husband also had some problems, so he had to take some medication. 

3 IVF cycles that gives you the faith to get pregnant at age 48

We listened to our options and decided to do In Vitro Fertilization and went for three cycles, because the mental factor is very important and having three attempts made me feel a bit more relaxed. If it didn't work the first time, there were still two more.

We made it here and when we finally found out we were pregnant it was such a thrill that I cried tears of joy, even today when I remember it I still get very emotional!

Throughout my pregnancy the doctors were with me, they guided me, they even helped me with my diet and gave me psychological support, all of which really helped me to feel more confident.

Angélica de Jesús is my baby, my little girl, today she is one and a half years old, she is everything to me. The day she arrived I had gone for a regular consultation and suddenly they told me that she should be born now, I was very nervous, I was afraid to think about what could happen, but I talked to my baby and I told her: 'You have to cry very loudly and you are going to do it, so much so that the whole hospital will hear you'!

Having her by my side is worth everything

When you really want something, you need to do absolutely everything until you get it. I studied, I worked, I taught, I fulfilled myself; I focused on other things for a while and that was fine, but there came a day when I wanted to be a mother so badly and to finish raising my family, I decided to do it!

That little piece of you, that human being that you are going to form, that will be in your womb..... That is the most important thing, and it doesn't matter what you have to give up, because it is a blessing of a lifetime and there is nothing more precious, nothing in the world compares to having that dream come true in your arms".

Do you also want to become a mom after 45? 

If you feel identified with this story, if you have been told a thousand times: "No", or that "you are too old", we want to tell you that there are alternatives and the biological clock is no longer an impediment to becoming a mother when you decide to do so.

Practically all women who want to become mothers can achieve it, but it is important that you go to fertility specialists, who will provide you with a personalised diagnosis and different options so that you can achieve your dream.

At Ingenes, we have an Initial program for all women who are completely sure that they want to live their motherhood and are willing to do everything to achieve it.

An assessment that focuses on identifying what is hindering your sleep; and drawing up a personalized treatment plan for you to have your baby, carried out by a multidisciplinary team of embryologists, andrologists, gynecologists with a subspecialty in Reproductive Biology and psychotherapists, among others.

Come to us and schedule your Initial Program, let us help you bring your baby home.


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