
Do you want a girl or a boy to balance your family with a new member?

We can identify the gender of your embryo through our 100% developed method at Ingenes, so you can fulfill your dream of having the girl or boy you desire.
2 out of 3 patients undergoing IVF want to know the gender of the embryo before transferring it.

How do we determine the gender of the baby with Eligender?

Our gender selection is based on the analysis of genes located on the sex chromosomes (X and Y), whose presence or absence allows our experts in molecular biology to determine the gender of your embryos with 98% effectiveness.
It is carried out in the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Laboratory by an expert biologist in Assisted Reproduction, where embryos with the best potential are selected for analysis.
The technique begins with taking a biopsy or collecting the culture medium (free DNA) without affecting the embryo's development (depending on the doctor's recommendation); to be analyzed using advanced molecular biology techniques, using the best technology available on the market.
Genomic analysis is performed, where the results indicate which embryos are female (XX) and male (XY). Based on these results and the gender desired by the patient, the embryos for transfer are selected.

Who is gender selection for?

It is indicated for patients who:

  • Are undergoing IVF and want to know the gender of the embryo..
  • Want to select the gender of their baby.
  • Want to rule out the possibility of inheriting sex-linked diseases (by only transferring embryos of the gender that do not carry that disease).
  • Wish to balance their family.

Leave your health in expert hands

Eligender is an exclusive technique developed by Ingenes, which has been developed by our team of genetic specialists as a safe and effective option.
Learn more about our research team dedicated to innovation and teaching in reproductive sciences in partnership with prominent researchers from Cinvestav-IPN.

Make the decision to fulfill your dream!

If you want to choose the sex of your baby, come to us and click on the button below to start your journey.
Start here
1 888 627-9747
800 600-7001
Carmel James

"My experience with Ingenes was very calming all because of the staff, they were welcoming and made you feel at ease with everything."

Ingenes McAllen, TX.

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