
As maternal age advances, the risk of developing numerical chromosomal abnormalities in babies increases.

In women over 40 years old, the likelihood of gestating a baby with some chromosomal anomaly is usually extremely high.

In the following graph, you can see the estimated risk of Down Syndrome according to maternal age.

What is


Chromosomes are structures that contain our DNA. In humans, normally each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46, 23 from the mother and 23 from the father. When there is an extra chromosome or one is missing, it is known as aneuploidy and this imbalance is one of the main causes of not being able to become pregnant, as it is associated with recurrent pregnancy loss, implantation failure, and certain syndromes.

PGT-A is a technique

Evaluates all 23 pairs of chromosomes in embryos and allows us to select those that are chromosomally normal during the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) process with a 99% accuracy rate in the results, helping us to detect certain abnormalities associated with the number of chromosomes and transfer only those embryos that do not have them, thus increasing the chances of having a healthy baby at home.
By performing this test, the chances of your baby developing a condition such as Down syndrome, Patau syndrome, Turner syndrome, among others, are minimized.
The most important cause of why a woman cannot get pregnant is due to the genetics of her embryo. By analyzing the chromosomes of your embryos, you increase the possibility of having your baby at home.

Could you be eligible for
a PGT-A test?

PGT-A is mainly recommended for individuals who fall under the following groups:
• Women who are 37 years old or older.

• Men who are 38 years old or older.
Women with a history of pregnancy loss or recurrent miscarriages.

• Women with a history of implantation failure.

• Women who have experienced a decline in the quality of their eggs due to conditions such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, or low egg production.
In addition, those who wish to choose the sex of their baby can also opt to undergo this test because by analyzing the sex chromosomes, PGT-A also allows for preimplantation sex determination, thus allowing only embryos of the desired sex to be transferred.

What syndromes can be prevented with PGT-A?

The most common syndromes that can be prevented with the help of PGT-A are:
• Down syndrome (+21)
• Patau syndrome (+13)
• Edwards syndrome (+18)
• Klinefelter syndrome (XXY)
• Turner syndrome (OX)
• Triple X syndrome (XXX)
• Jacobs syndrome (XYY)
• Among other anomalies.
By detecting embryos that have abnormalities, your assisted reproduction specialist will only transfer embryos with optimal chromosomal load and that do not present numerical genetic alterations

PGT-A Testing reduces risk of miscarriage

How is the Preimplantation Genetic Test to detect aneuploidies carried out?

We perform this test at Ingenes in the following way:
This test is carried out in the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Laboratory by an expert biologist in Assisted Reproduction, where the embryos with the best potential for analysis are selected.
The technique starts with the taking of a biopsy without affecting the development of the embryo, on day 3, 5, or 6 of development, to be analyzed using advanced molecular biology techniques, using the best technology available in the market.
Genomic analysis is carried out, where the results indicate which embryos are free of chromosomal aneuploidies and the sex of the embryo, to select the embryos to be transferred.
If you have any doubts about PGT-A or are considering choosing this test to feel more confident about your and your baby's health, ask the specialist in Assisted Reproduction who is leading your case, and he or she will guide you on the best path to follow.
Our research team is dedicated to innovation and education in reproductive sciences, developing cutting-edge technology and tests such as PGT-A, in partnership with renowned researchers from Cinvestav-IPN.

Reach out to us and find the assurance you need with PGT-A

Get in touch with us to rule out genetic abnormalities in your embryos. Click on the following button to schedule your appointment and have our clinical geneticists determine if you are a candidate for this test.
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"My experience with Ingenes was very calming all because of the staff, they were welcoming and made you feel at ease with everything."

Ingenes McAllen, TX.

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